Your Local Pool Fence Dealer

About Me
Our story is simple, we live in Des Moines Iowa and have 4 adult sons. Some of them have started giving us grandchildren – now we are up to 7 little ones. One warm summer night about 4 years ago my wife and I were sitting on our back deck enjoying the weather with our two dogs and began to talk about how our pool wasn’t safe for our grandchildren or our pets. My wife challenged me to build something (since that’s what I do), so I started designing some things on paper and researching materials. While researching I found Protect-A-Child Pool Fence Company. They had already designed and perfected exactly what I needed so I shared it with my wife. We decided to give them a call and purchase the materials to install ourselves. When I called, I find out I couldn’t purchase the materials as a consumer because Protect-A-Child wasn’t in the business just to sell fences and make money, they were in it for safety first. They said that all of their pool fence systems need to be installed by trained and certified dealers who have gone through their training. I asked for the dealer in my area and they said that there wasn’t one yet, so I asked what it would take for me to be trained and certified so I could get my pool fence? I started the intensive process, studied the materials, watched the videos and passed all the tests. What impressed me the most was the owner of the company called me and welcomed us to the Protect-A-Child team. We installed our pool fence and were so impressed, we decided to add it to our business’ services.
Over that last few years we have been honored to help many families in Iowa stay safe and have the peace of mind that their pools are safe for their family, friends and even their pets. Thanks for letting us share our story, call us and let us help you write your families story of safety while still having fun in your pool.
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