

Old style pool fence post with screws and molding strips connecting mesh to post.

Baby Safe Pool Fence

This pool fence construction method has not changed in 60 years. Protect-A-Child pioneered fiberglass pool fence posts incorporating stronger, more resilient fences in 1991 to bring strength and quality to what was historically a relatively weak product.  Today we continue to revolutionize the mesh pool fence concept with the latest in space age urethane fiberglass composite and advanced design.

Installed to Fit Your Pool and Preferences

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Components of the Traditional Pool Fence System

This budget friendly system utilizing our round post construction system will create a safe pool safety barrier between your child and your pool.

  • Fiberglass pool fence posts are the backbone of the pool fence. They are spaced on 36 inch centers.
  • Screwed on molding strips attach the mesh to the post.
  • Screws fasten the molding strip to the post.
  • PVC Coated Polyester mesh creates a strong, safe, and forgiving barrier between your child and the pool.
We Use Fiberglass Pool Fence Post

We were the first to develop the solid-core fiberglass pool fence post to stop the bent, crooked and broken aluminum post problem. When an aluminum post is used to assemble a mesh pool fence, holes must be drilled into the base of the aluminum post to attach the mesh.  Those holes substantially weaken the aluminum post because they are located at the fulcrum point where all stress is concentrated.  So we developed our solid core insert and fiberglass construction to provide industry leading strength compared to all other aluminum fences.  And we succeeded with posts of incomparable strength and resiliency for over 33 years.

Solid-core black fiberglass pool fence post.
Fiberglass Advantages

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