

Fiberglass Pool Fence Posts Stands Against Storm

We at Protect-A-Child are always looking for opportunities to improve our pool fence.

We take our promise of delivering peace-of-mind to families very seriously.

During a recent storm, an oak tree had fallen across this pool. As a testament to our fiberglass posts strength and resiliency, these fence posts didn’t break or become bent! This happy customer sent this photo to us in amazement! Their local dealer simply replaced the damaged mesh and this pool fence looks as if nothing had ever happened!

No matter where you live, natural disasters are becoming more frequent and no one is immune. From earthquakes and hurricanes to floods, there’s no denying the increase of extreme weather. In these situations we continue to be pleased with how our product stands against these storms, not to mention the rigors of regular day-to-day use.

Our prayer would be that extreme weather events didn’t happen but we can’t control Mother Nature. What we can control is the way we build in the quality of our Protect-A-Child Pool Fence that stands against Mother Nature.

For more information or to find a dealer near you visit our website:


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