How do I measure my pool for a pool fence?

Consider where you want the fence, then measure the length of fence needed to run in that manner. There are 3 primary criteria:

  1. Block all exists from the house to the pool. Position the fence such that whatever door your child may exit the home they are protected.  Encircling the pool is usually best.
  2. Minimize adult traffic through the fence. Going in and out of the fence constantly increases the chances a gate may be left open.  Position the fence so you only need to open it when you’re swimming and avoid blocking pathways..
  3. Maximize usable patio area outside the fence. Your whole family can use your patio every day but the pool itself is only used when swimming.  So it make sense to maximize the patio area outside the fence.  We recommend keeping your fence at least 24 in. to 36 in. away from the edge of your pool. This provides enough room on the inside of the fence for your family to comfortably walk around the pool. Should you need additional patio space during times of heavy pool use – you can remove a few sections of fencing to open it up.  That’s the beauty of our removable pool fencing!

With this in mind, use a tape measure or the simple “stride” method to calculate your pool fence size.  Most adults have a stride of about 2- 2 1/2′.  Simply stride around the pool and count your strides. It will give us a good idea of length and we can give you an approximate cost.

Our pool fence installers have extensive experience with fence placement. Having one of them give you a free estimate enables them to suggest the safest, most convenient path for your fence. Find your local pool fence dealer.