

How My Pool Safety Fence Made Holiday Mornings More Relaxing

Holidays in our house mean one thing… that the kids will beat us out of bed!

I know every parent is with me on this. You know the nights when you stay up extra late to ensure that everyone is asleep before making the holiday magic happen. These nights mean one thing for me: extra strong coffee in the morning. Only, the coffee is never first… they are! Thankfully, our pool safety fence lets us rest easy knowing our babes are protected even when they are up early snooping for Easter treats before my husband and I wake up!

The squeal of “THE EASTER BUNNY CAME!” is one I will always treasure, and one that someday I will miss so very much! Since I became a mom, 14 years ago, I can honestly say my sons have always beaten me in getting out of bed on holidays, minus the infant years. Enter my Protect-A-Child pool safety fence. It offers peace of mind for my family that can’t be quantified… it’s priceless! And as you’ll see in the video below, Protect-A-Child goes above and beyond to ensure they provide the safest and most attractive fences to go around your pool.

Why Choose A Protect-A-Child Pool Safety Fence?

Florida is leading the United States in drowning deaths for children under the age of five.* That is not a statistic I’m proud of for my state, but it’s a fact. Protect-A-Child is desperately trying to change this statistic, but it’s up to parents to safeguard their families. I did. If you have a pool, make sure you know the recommended layers of pool safety and enjoy every precious day and holiday together!

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