

Pool Trends that Won’t Get Old

paver pool deck

When you own a pool one of the worst things is spending thousands of dollars on an upgrade or fancy addition only to have it become obsolete and just get old because new trends come along. While there will always be something new on the market, there are several pool trends worth investing in because they’ll never get old.

Let’s take a look…

Sun Shelves

These are great additions to your pool because they allow you and your guests to be in the pool without being “in” the pool. These are built into the pool and are just deep enough to get you wet without you having to stand or swim in the pool. You can relax while still watching the kids, making you close enough to spring into action in case anyone needs you.

Darker Interior Finishes

When you’re designing the look of your pool, one of the things that may be difficult to decide on is the interior color. Do you go with dark or light tiles? If you want a timeless look, opt for the darker finish. Darker colors are more sophisticated. If you already have a pool, this look can also be achieved through resurfacing.

Saltwater Pools

Saltwater pools are not just a fad. More people are opting for them to lessen the effects of chlorine and other chemicals. Although there is still chlorine in a saltwater pool, saltwater pools use different processes that don’t lead to irritated eyes and skin that chlorine pools can cause.

Consistent Pool Depth

When people used to install pools in their yards, many would opt for pools with a deep end and diving board. The trend seems to have shifted to pools with a consistent depth. This not only eliminates the diving board and safety issues that it may cause, but it also provides peace of mind that adults and children won’t wander into the deep end. Many people find comfort knowing they can always reach the bottom of the pool no matter where they are.

One pool trend that never gets old is safety. You should always keep the area around your pool safe with a fence and lock. This can prevent tragedies when no one is around the pool. For more information on pool fences, visit Protect-A-Child Pool Fence today so we can show you the most important trend of all…safety!


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