

Must Do’s When Visiting a Public Pool

Whether you have a swimming pool at home or not, you’re likely to take a trip to a public pool at one time or another. While you may be familiar with your pool when it comes to overall safety precautions, you may not be if you or your family is taking a dip in a public pool.

Here’s a look at some things you should consider:

Don’t drink the water. While this may sound like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised! By not drinking the water you lower your risk of disease.

Be aware of pool safety rules. All public pools should have a list of pool safety rules. Read them and get familiar with them so everyone can have fun and stay safe.

Know life vest and floatation rules. As you’re reading the pool safety rules, check to see what the rules are for baby floatation devices and life vests for toddlers. Many public pools will not allow the ever-so-popular arm floaties or other baby floatation devices. Also, many life vests for toddlers and children need to be U.S. Coast Guard approved. Know before you go to prevent any problems.

Keep an eye on uncovered drains. The drains are the portals that suck water into the filtration system. If you see one that’s damaged or missing you should report it. People have drowned after their hair or limbs have gotten stuck in the drains and they couldn’t come up for air.

Pack the goggles and pool shoes. Pool shoes are a must-have to walk around the pool deck as well as the locker room. This will prevent athlete’s foot and other bacterial issues. Goggles are also a good idea to protect your eyes from chlorine and pool chemicals.

Rinse off before and after you get in the pool. This rule (at least to rinse off before you go in the pool) should be posted near the pool. Showers are typically available to rinse off before diving in. This will help to prevent you from spreading any germs. Hopefully, other pool-goers will do the same! When you’re done swimming for the day you should also shower off to get the chlorinated water off your body. This will also help to rid your body of other bacteria or impurities that may have been in the water.

Whether you are in a public pool or swimming in your pool at home, pool safety rules should always be followed to avoid accidents. In your home, a pool fence can help in that effort. To learn more about pool fencing, contact Protect-A-Child Pool Fence . Let us show you ways to improve safety around your pool.

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