Can I install the pool fence myself?
We believe you can do anything. The questions is do you want to? A seasoned installer takes 3-6 hours for the average install. A first-timer usually takes 3-4x longer and without the right practices may not be happy with the result. We exclusively use wet core drills to avoid the chipping a hammer drill causes […]
How much does a pool fence cost?
Fence pricing varies so much it is nearly impossible to provide a blanket example over the internet. Cost could be as little as $500 installed for a short fence in a sunbelt market to as high as $5000.00 for an extensive fence around a large pool. Many factors come into play that affect fence price. […]
How do I measure my pool for a pool fence?
Consider where you want the fence, then measure the length of fence needed to run in that manner. There are 3 primary criteria: With this in mind, use a tape measure or the simple “stride” method to calculate your pool fence size. Most adults have a stride of about 2- 2 1/2′. Simply stride around […]
Is there a pool fence dealer in my area?
We have an extensive dealer network that covers most of the US. We also have many dealers in Canada and the rest of the world. Click the Find My Dealer button in the menu to locate your local pool fence dealer. If there is not a local dealer listed for your area, please contact us […]
What prevents my kids from removing the pool fence?
Removal prevention is the single most important aspect of a removable mesh pool fence. Only Protect-A-Child has addressed this with our SureSafeTM Features. The first layer is fence tension. Our fencing is installed such that the mesh is pulled taut and attractive slightly binding the posts in their holes. This is as far as most competitors go. […]