With Protect-A-Child’s pool fence strength, we have proven it!
Our mesh pool fence can survive through numerous winters and still look as new and fresh as ever.
Our pool fence strength enables our customers to leave their fence up throughout the winter. The key to how well it holds up is found in its level of strength and quality.
Most fences have a thin profile that prevents snow from collecting on top of them. However, snow can still build up on the sides of the fence.  This causes concern as to whether they can handle the snow pressure without becoming bent and crooked. This is why some question whether they should choose a fence that’s made out of wood, glass, wrought iron, or any other fence material.
While this can be a problem for some lower quality mesh pool fences with aluminum support posts, it isn’t a problem for those who chose a Protect-A-Child Pool Fence. Being the highest quality mesh pool fence on the market, the fence stays straight, unbent, and looking new all year around, even through harsh winters due to our fiberglass fence post design.
How is this? Our pool fence has a mesh’s burst strength of 400 pounds and its unbendable.  Why? Because of our unbreakable fiberglass posts, the fence can easily safeguard against becoming bent or crooked from the pressure of snow buildup.
Regardless of the season, a Protect-A-Child Pool Fence remains both beautiful and safe all year around.
Click here to find a Protect-A-Child Pool Fence dealer near you for your free estimate today.