

False Sense of Security with the Competition

Secure Fence Installation and Peace of Mind Go Hand-in-Hand

A real client story from Protect-A-Child.

Having a pool fence is supposed to give families a strong sense of security, however, if that fence is installed improperly, the family is actually at greater risk.   In this specific case, an inquisitive child was observing the family cat.  Ultimately, the cat was able to gain easy access to the pool area by simply walking around an improperly installed competitor’s fence.

The pool fence had cordoned off the pool from the home which utilized the pools screen enclosure as part of the enclosure. This particular installer had attached the mesh pool fence to the screen enclosures horizontal stantion rather than a full length vertical stantion.  As a result, it left a wide gap between the flexible screen panel and pool fence post.  After watching the cat, the child was also able to squeeze through the same opening, gaining access to the pool. Consequently, the child fell into the pool.

The grandparent supervising the child noticed their grandchild in the pool and knocked down the pool fence in their panic to retrieve the child.  The child was rush to the hospital, but ultimately made a full recovery. However, the trauma of the experience will never be forgotten.  Perhaps even more disheartening is the unknown, long-term effects of a near drowning on this young child.

Protect-A-Child of Naples, FL removed the improperly installed competing fence and properly installed a Protect-A-Child Pool Fence utilizing our solid core fiberglass posts.  The fence was properly installed attaching to a vertical screen stantion leaving only a 2″ gap from top to bottom.   Well meaning, inexperienced, untrained fence installers can leave your child vulnerable to danger and you with a false sense of security.  Let Protect-A-Child get it right for you, the first time!

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